- What needs to be done?
When you can't sign into your account because you've forgotten your password, iVolution 2.0 lets you reset it by using your username or email address as an identifier.
- How do you do this?
Note: For security reasons, the password reset link will remain active for 20 minutes and then it will expire.
1. From the iVolution 2.0 Login Page, click on ‘Forgot your password’
2. On the Reset password page, type your username or email in the respective field and click Send.
3. Zoey will email you with further instructions. Follow them to set a new password and access your account.
Note: You cannot request a password reset through the TalentLMS mobile app.
That's it!
If you ever forget your password, keep this guide in mind and you'll have access to your iVolution 2.0 account in no time.
- What do you use for this?
Email: itecinnovationteam@itecgroup.co.za
Online: Innovation Team Support Portal
Phone: +27 11 236 2102